Arif Woozeer

Research Interests

Reach Alliance

I'm part of the Reach Alliance team at Singapore Management University. We're working on a cool project about using AI chatbots to help migrant workers in Singapore understand money matters better. It's all about making sure everyone, even those who might be overlooked, gets a fair shot at managing their finances.

Our current research asks: How can we use conversational AI to boost financial literacy for migrant workers in Singapore? We're looking at things like:

Reach Alliance Project Check out SMU's Reach Alliance work

Affective Technologies

My second major at SMU is in Affective Technologies. It's a mix of computing, psychology, and neuroscience - basically, we're trying to develop and better understand systems that understand and respond to human emotions.

Emotions and Tech

I'm really interested in how we can make technology more emotionally intelligent. Some areas I'm keen on exploring:

What I'm Up To

Right now, I'm mostly focused on our Reach Alliance project. It's early days, but I'm excited to see where it leads. I'm also keeping an eye out for opportunities to dive deeper into affective computing. No fancy publications yet, but who knows what the future holds!

Current Research Projects