Arif Woozeer

About Me

Arif Woozeer


Hi, I'm Arif Woozeer. I'm studying Computing & Affective Technology at Singapore Management University (SMU). My journey's been pretty varied - I started as a Ground Response Officer with the Singapore Police Force before jumping into the startup world with a gamified emotion journaling app called Kura Kura. Along the way, I've picked up skills in React Native, front-end development, data analysis, and project management.

Interests & Pursuits

I'm really into how we can use technology to understand and work with human emotions, especially in a gamified manner. Some areas I'm exploring include:

I'm also fascinated by how technology and behavioral science can work together to improve lives.

Current Focus

Right now, I'm juggling my studies with running Kura Kura. I'm also:

Cultural Experiences and Language Learning

I love interacting with different cultures and languages. I've had the chance to live and work in Beijing, China, which was an amazing experience that broadened my perspective. Currently, I'm working towards my A2 French certification. Learning languages isn't just about communication for me - it's a window into different ways of thinking and living.

Beyond Work

When I'm not buried in code or brainstorming new ideas, you might find me at the gym, reading a good book, or trying to keep my Duolingo streak alive. I'm always up for learning something new and meeting people with similar interests.

If you're into tech startups, affective computing, or just want to chat about new ideas, feel free to reach out! I'm always happy to connect, share experiences, and maybe even collaborate on something cool.

You can contact me at or reach out to me on Twitter, Linkedin, or Github.