Arif Woozeer

My Projects

some projects i've worked on either individually or on my own.

Smart Helmet for Construction Workers

Date: 2018 | Category: Hardware, IoT

Developed a smart helmet to assist construction workers and mitigate heat stress, leveraging research into Dye-sensitized Electrochemical Generators (DEGs). This project won the NTU Hackathon, competing against 50 teams. It showcases innovative application of sustainable energy in wearable technology for workplace safety.

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CarbonAware Crypto Dashboard

Date: 2023 | Category: Web Development, Sustainability

Created a dashboard to estimate carbon emissions from crypto trading information/data. This project was developed as part of IS463 - Digital Technologies for Sustainability course. It demonstrates the intersection of blockchain technology and environmental consciousness, providing users with insights into the ecological impact of their crypto activities.

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News Scraper with Recommendation Engine

Date: 2024 | Category: Web Development, Machine Learning

Developed a news scraper that aggregates tech-related news with an built-in recommendation engine. This project was created during an internship at DayDayUp. It showcases skills in web scraping, data processing, and machine learning for personalized content delivery.

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Chinese Vocabulary Flashcard Web App

Date: Not specified | Category: Web Development, Education

Created a web application for Chinese vocabulary flashcards, developed for personal use. This project demonstrates skills in full-stack web development and showcases the ability to create practical tools for language learning. It likely involves features such as user authentication, data persistence, and interactive learning interfaces.

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